Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

The free movie we have for this week’s Friday Fright Nights feature is the witchcraft horror movie The Evil Rises

A full Free Movie of the Day is posted on the JoBlo Horror Movies YouTube channel every other day during the week – but on Fridays things get even freakier and a little more fun. Enjoy Friday Nights to get your weekend off to the right start! We’ll be bringing you a new Friday Fright Night every Friday. You can watch the movie in its entirety for free on the YouTube channel above or by embedding the video here. We couldn’t.

Writer/director Daniel Florenzano’s 2018 feature debut, The Evil Rises is a movie that gets right to the point. The movie begins with a couple digging up a mysterious, ancient statue at a beach party. We know all about the statue because one of the couple’s friends attended a seminar a few months ago. We can now watch as the partygoers decide to deal with their discovery in the most disastrous way possible… which results in them being all but wiped out before the opening credits are over. The opening credits are a great way to start a movie! Florenzano brought a unique twist to the story. It was a simple, yet effective story for a writer/director who had never done it before. The official synopsis of The Evil Rises is: An ancient statue unleashes a spirit that enslaves a group of friends to collect blood to bring the evil spirit back to life. It’s up a detective, priest, and pizza boy to infiltrate a sinister compound of the group to ward off the evil spirit before it’s too far. Joe Paulson is the detective, Ed Hollingsworth is the priest, and Alec Lobato plays Chazz the Pizza Boy. Hollingsworth died in 2020, aged 72, after nine screen credits. He was best known for his roles as Dr. James O’Hara on an episode of The Golden Age: Heroes of Men, a butler in

Daydream Hotel, Travis Bentley in the crime thriller Carbon

, an older father in the short film

The Evil Rises Friday Fright Nights

A Son Never Forgets, Albert on the TV show010010 If you want to seek out Hollingsworth’s other screen performances, you can find him playing Dr. James O’Hara in an episode of The Golden Age: Heroes of Men

, a butler in

Daydream Hotel, Travis Bentley in the crime thriller Carbon, an older father in the short film A Son Never Forgets, Albert in the TV show Promiseland, a Lieutenant in the short film The Day I Woke Up, and Vagabond #3 in a TV movie called Kid Fix.So check out The Evil Rises – after all, it’s free! Check out the late Ed Hollingsworth’s performance in this goofy fright flick – which remains Florenzano’s only feature film at this point, but IMDb promises us another Florenzano horror movie called

Sellout is on the way. Comment below or on YouTube about the film.

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

Evil Dead Rise Review

Evil Dead Rise Review

April 23, 2023