Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

The upcoming remake

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

, is one of the many live-action adaptations Disney made of their animated films. But this one seems to have hit a nerve. David Hale Hand spoke with The Telegraph about his strong opposition to the remake. He is the son of David Dodd Hand who was the supervising director for Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs. Hand said, “It’s a completely different concept and I totally disagree with that, and I know both my dad and Walt would disagree with that,“. “

There’s no respect for what Disney did and what my dad did… I think Walt and he would be turning in their graves.As Disney’s very first animated feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs holds a special place in the hearts of Disney fans. There have been many live-action films based on the original story, but the backlash against the remake has been evident from the very beginning. From the casting of Rachel Zegler to the removal or almost all of the dwarf characters. Hand added that it’s a “disgrace” that Disney is “

trying to do something new with something that was such a great success earlier… Their thoughts are just so radical now. They change the storylines, they change how the characters think. They’re creating new woke things, and I’m not into that. I find it quite frankly a bit insulting they may have done with some of these classic films.Related

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David Hale Hand said Disney should create new stories instead of remaking old ones. “ shouldn’t be rewriting a classic in their own image” he said. “[what]Pick on something else… create new characters, if you’re gonna do this, but don’t destroy or try to destroy something that is a classic and is a beautiful piece.

remake stars Rachel Zegler in the title role, alongside Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen, Ansu Kabia as the Huntsman, and Andrew Burnap as Jonathan, a new character created for the film. [Disney]Snow White will hit theaters on March 22, 2024.


Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch