Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

You better get off his lawn before this grandpa takes matters into his own hands.

Nicolas Cage continues to straddle the line between genius and madness as he now plays a surly grandfather who has acquired a special set of skills in his past career. The eccentric actor is self-aware and uses his own truth to feed the unintentional humor. Cage’s career is not predictable in an age when he can parody himself with a film such as The Weight of Massive talent and give an acclaimed performance like Pig. The film also stars Ashley Greene and Ron Perlman as well as Jackie Earle Haley Joel David Moore Grace Byers and Ernie Hudson. The synopsis for the film, according to Deadline, is:

In The retirement plan, Ashley (Ashley Greene), her daughter Sarah (Thalia Campell), and her estranged dad Matt (Nicolas Cage), an elderly beach bum, are caught up in a criminal scheme that puts their lives in danger. She turns to her estranged dad Matt (Nicolas Cage), who is a retired beach bum. Their reunion is short-lived as they are soon pursued by Donnie (Jackie Earle Haley), a crime boss, and Ron Perlman, his lieutenant. The bad guys are in for a surprise when they discover that Matt is not as wacky as he seems. The movie is directed Tim Brown who told Deadline:

“I am thrilled to work with Falling Forward, Productivity Media, and the theatrical release of this feature film.” Scott Kennedy, President at Falling Forward Films adds to the excitement,
“This film is destined be another classic Nic-Cage action-comedy.” We are huge supporters of the theatre experience and there is no better way to let the audience experience the laughs and thrills of The retirement Plan in a large screen.

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch