Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

With the controversial idea of using AI to generate ideas for a series, you get a randomized genre-twisting show called Mrs. Davis.

Just as it seems that scripted media is telling the same stories over and over again, along comes a series like Mrs. Davis is a story about a nun and cowboy who embark on a quest for the Holy Grail. The Peacock Original Series is created by Tara Hernandez and genre-bending writer Damon Lindelof. Betty Gilpin would find it difficult to do press for the series as she would have to either sound vague or give major spoilers. “It’s almost impossible!” Gilpin declares.

With the way the show left audiences by episode four, you don’t have to feel alone if you’re not quite following the madness. The Hollywood Reporter is able to explain the situation with the help of Gilpin and the creators. “At the end [episode] 4, we’re not in good shape. She became a person who was hopeful and recognized that there is a mystery to the world after meeting Jay and experiencing her faith. Gilpin explains that she is now almost more lost and has encountered the first snag of her relationship with Jay, which exposes this unspoken flaw. Hernandez elaborates on the controversial aspect, “It did exactly as we needed it to.” It behaved in a way that was consistent with the feelings of our show about AI: it’s fun to watch them be dumb. It’s funny when they mess up. It’s adorable to watch a toddler stumble and struggle to form sentences. But you don’t want to see a 2-year-old reading the dictionary perfectly, that’s terrifying.”

The algorithm gave itself the name Larry Bel-Air. Hernandez thought it “took on a masculine identity or subscribes to Peacock.” They don’t have a sense of humor. It’s difficult to teach an algorithm how to tell jokes, or more importantly, what makes a funny joke. And all of that delighted me.”

Lindelof explains that although they use every idea that is generated, he hopes to have more opportunities with a renewed season. “Every day, we are like ‘It is listening.’ It knows! Even in our daily lives, we feel like She/It has been engaging with us and knowing what we are doing. It feels a bit too close to home. I don’t think we wanted to be so prescient, and who knows what we’ll be doing in two years? But Pandora’s box is certainly open.”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JMhWjSvNVw

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch