Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

The Flash

continues making headlines just as much as its character would in Central City. Warner Bros. increased the marketing and hype for the scarlet speedster. However, The Flash

continues to be infamous from its pre-release controversy up to its poor box office performances. The comic book movie is reportedly experiencing a 71% drop after a dismal start. The film is said to have done less business than the already notorious DC flop of this year, Shazam. Fury of the Gods.Although it seems that things couldn’t get worse for the film, ScreenRant reports that the entirety of The Flash had leaked online and was posted to Twitter. The video was posted on the now suspended Twitter account @BriYoshFR and stayed online for eight hours, gaining 1.7 million views, before it was taken down. The leaked video appeared on Sunday, 25th June before being taken down at 1pm ET. The leak has resulted in millions of views, which means that the studio is selling fewer tickets for the movie. This movie has already cost them a lot. The drop in numbers in the second week is being compared to

Morbius, the movie-turned-meme-magnet that stars Jared Leto as a Spider-Man villain in a solo outing that failed to generate interest, even in the intended demographic, and would end its domestic run with a total $75 million. Warner Brothers would also put two projects on hold if

The flash became a box office success. The studio claims that the sequel is already written and will feature Michael Keaton as Batman and Sasha Calle as Supergirl. The company also reportedly planned to capitalize on Michael Keaton’s return with a big-screen adaptation of the late 1990s animated show Batman beyond

which saw an older Bruce Wayne taking on a protégé for a future era of crime-fighting in future Gotham. Keaton was said to have played the elder Bruce. This leak was the result of a series leaked images taken from pre-release screenings which revealed major spoilers right before The flash opened. Early screenings also led to unintended word of mouth about the film’s controversial appearances and distractingly low-quality CGI. The future is uncertain for this entry in the DCEU, but with theatrical windows getting shockingly short nowadays, perhaps we will see the movie get a mercy release on the streaming service Max sooner than expected.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW6aUAV2l-k

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch