Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

What Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny easter eggs and references did we find? What Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny easter eggs and references did we find?

W e live in interesting times. On one screen in the movie theater, you can watch Michael Keaton fighting bad guys in the Batman suit. On the other screen, you can see Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones fighting Nazis. Oddly, neither film is doing well at the box office. You will have seen the movie

Indiana Jesse And The Dial Of Destiny this past weekend. It was full of easter eggs and references. What did we discover in this globetrotting journey this time?W aring !!!! There will be spoilers for

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny!W ilhelm Scream

A s with every

Indiana Jones film, the Wilhelm Scream makes an appearance. Indy and Basil Shaw climb up the roof to escape the Nazis on the train. Here they are having a back-and forth with a few soldiers. The classic scream is heard when Indy pulls a soldier off the edge of a train. The scream is a classic sound element that has been used in a lot of movies, but most importantly, all the Indiana Jones films and all of the Star Wars movies.Lance of Longinus

Indiana Jones Dial of Destiny

D uring the opening action scene, we learn that Hitler is having his army round up significant religious artifacts as he believes they contain power he can use for his own purposes. The artifacts from

Raiders of the Lost Ark, and The Last Crusade are examples. They are searching for the Lance Of Longinus. This is believed to have been the spear that pierced Jesus’ side as he was crucified. Indy reveals it’s fake when he inspects it. Indy has looked for the spear in the past, even though it’s not canon. In a Dark Horse Comic Series set after the events in The Last Crusade

Indy and father search for the famous spear to keep it from the Nazis. In the comics the spear is lost, but it’s said to have been found by the Nazis when American troops took over Germany. In this new movie, we see that he feels the same way. He mentions it a few times, that the Dial of Destiny belongs in a museum. Helena is different. She wants to sell everything she finds at the highest price. The Nazis want it only because they think it has great power. As usual, the Nazis are right. He starts to threaten everyone with his classic whip. Everyone gets tired of it after a few cracks. This is the reverse of his classic scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark, where a swordsman puts on a big display before Indy just pulls out his gun and shoots him. It’s the opposite of the classic scene from

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Easter Eggs

Raiders Of The Lost Ark

where Indy shoots a swordsman after he puts on a show. He checks the time, and finds that his watch has gone missing. Teddy is told to return the watch, as it was his father’s. Indy misses him, as he wears his watch and has photos of him in his home. This also reminds fans of when Indy had to explain to his father what it meant when he yelled out times to his father in the gunner seat of the airplane from

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Easter Eggs

The Last Crusade

.M utt’s FateW hen Helena asks him what he would do with the ability to time travel, he states that he would go back and tell his son not to enlist in the army. We learn that he died in Vietnam after he fought there. This caused a rift between him and Marion which led to their divorce. His death was probably caused by the fan backlash that followed

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Easter Eggs

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

. Indy fans were vocal about their dislike of the character. Some of the fear was that his character could take over the Indiana Jones franchise.

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Easter Eggs

The Blood Of Kali

A s Indy and Helena are climbing a rock wall to find the entrance to a cave, he begins to question why he is doing this. He begins to list all the injuries that he has sustained during his career. Some of the injuries include being shot, beaten and forced to drink Blood Of Kali. This is The Temple Of Doom. He was given blood to drink which temporarily brainwashed his mind. Indy continues to say that he had to deal voodoo. Luckily getting his heart pulled out of his chest wasn’t one of the injuries.Where Doesn’t It Hurt?A fter Indy’s quick trip through time, we see him back in his apartment. He is still recovering, but is angry that Helena won’t let him remain in the past. Marion enters when he asks for whom he must stay in the past. He is astonished when he sees her. They get some time to themselves after everyone else has left. Marion says that she was also hurt by their falling out. Indy asks Marion where it doesn’t bother her, and she plays out the scene from Raiders Of The Lost Ark in which they finally kiss. What a way to end the series. What easter eggs did you notice in

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Easter Eggs

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny


Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch