Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

Writers/consultants Dave Baker and Eric Calderon have revealed more details about the shelved Alien vs. Predator anime series

In early 2020, we heard mention of an Alien vs. Predator anime series that had been made before the 20th Century Fox / Disney merger and never released. Joshua Izzo confirmed a few months ago that an Alien Vs. Predator series was produced. All ten episodes had been completed and are now sitting in the Disney vault. The writers/consultants of the anime Dave Baker and Eric Calderon revealed more details during an interview with the Best TV Never Made Podcast!

The two episodes can be found both on the Best TV Never Made Website. The show is hosted by Peter Holmstrom and Ryan Matsunaga.

Like Izzo said, the anime was originally envisioned as an adaptation of the Dark Horse Comics that followed the character Machiko Noguchi, and the idea was that three Machiko story arcs would play out over the 10 episodes, which could then be cut together into a trilogy of animated movies. The first batch of episodes was an adaptation of Aliens Vs. Predator, and the next batch was an adaptation Aliens Vs. Predator: War and then a new Machiko tale would conclude the story. Several scripts had been written for that approach when a director was brought in – and even though this director had never seen Predator, they wanted to come up with their own original story. They did happen to be a huge fan of Aliens, so there was going to be a lot of echoes of Aliens in this anime.

At first, the director suggested a story that would be set on a deep space freighter where an evil genius called The Game Master would gather Aliens, Predators, and humans together for a death match to find out who’s the strongest. Baker and Calderon convinced the directors to abandon this idea and come up with a new approach. This character is later discovered to be a hybrid alien-human who can control aliens using pheromones. A b-plot follows Hank, a soldier type character modeled after Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch from

Predator, who had an encounter with a Predator many years ago and has PTSD as a result of it. The Predator is now back to finish their battle. It was inspired by the Predator named Ahab from the Dark Horse comics. It was inspired by the Predator named Ahab from the Dark Horse comics.And since the director was heavily influenced by Aliens

, “the main human villain became a businessman type who betrays the main characters at a certain point.” The director wanted to call the character Douglas Fairbanks, but the name was shortened to Fairbanks when he found out that Douglas Fairbanks was the name of a famous actor. Baker & Calderon never mention the director’s name during their interview. Listen to the Alien Vs. Predator

episodes on the BestTVNeverMade site to learn more about the anime we may or not have the opportunity to see. Predator: the Anime is available on Netflix.Does it make you want to see

Alien vs. Predator as an anime? Leave a comment to let us know what you think.

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

Writers/consultants Dave Baker and Eric Calderon have revealed more details about the shelved Alien vs. Predator anime series

In early 2020, we heard mention of an Alien vs. Predator anime series that had been made before the 20th Century Fox / Disney merger and never released. Joshua Izzo confirmed a few months ago that an Alien Vs. Predator series was produced. All ten episodes had been completed and are now sitting in the Disney vault. The writers/consultants of the anime Dave Baker and Eric Calderon revealed more details during an interview with the Best TV Never Made Podcast!

The two episodes can be found both on the Best TV Never Made Website. The show is hosted by Peter Holmstrom and Ryan Matsunaga.

Like Izzo said, the anime was originally envisioned as an adaptation of the Dark Horse Comics that followed the character Machiko Noguchi, and the idea was that three Machiko story arcs would play out over the 10 episodes, which could then be cut together into a trilogy of animated movies. The first batch of episodes was an adaptation of Aliens Vs. Predator, and the next batch was an adaptation Aliens Vs. Predator: War and then a new Machiko tale would conclude the story. Several scripts had been written for that approach when a director was brought in – and even though this director had never seen Predator, they wanted to come up with their own original story. They did happen to be a huge fan of Aliens, so there was going to be a lot of echoes of Aliens in this anime.

At first, the director suggested a story that would be set on a deep space freighter where an evil genius called The Game Master would gather Aliens, Predators, and humans together for a death match to find out who’s the strongest. Baker and Calderon convinced the directors to abandon this idea and come up with a new approach. This character is later discovered to be a hybrid alien-human who can control aliens using pheromones. A b-plot follows Hank, a soldier type character modeled after Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch from

Predator, who had an encounter with a Predator many years ago and has PTSD as a result of it. The Predator is now back to finish their battle. It was inspired by the Predator named Ahab from the Dark Horse comics. It was inspired by the Predator named Ahab from the Dark Horse comics.And since the director was heavily influenced by Aliens

, “the main human villain became a businessman type who betrays the main characters at a certain point.” The director wanted to call the character Douglas Fairbanks, but the name was shortened to Fairbanks when he found out that Douglas Fairbanks was the name of a famous actor. Baker & Calderon never mention the director’s name during their interview. Listen to the Alien Vs. Predator

episodes on the BestTVNeverMade site to learn more about the anime we may or not have the opportunity to see. Predator: the Anime is available on Netflix.Does it make you want to see

Alien vs. Predator as an anime? Leave a comment to let us know what you think.

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

Writers/consultants Dave Baker and Eric Calderon have revealed more details about the shelved Alien vs. Predator anime series

In early 2020, we heard mention of an Alien vs. Predator anime series that had been made before the 20th Century Fox / Disney merger and never released. Joshua Izzo confirmed a few months ago that an Alien Vs. Predator series was produced. All ten episodes had been completed and are now sitting in the Disney vault. The writers/consultants of the anime Dave Baker and Eric Calderon revealed more details during an interview with the Best TV Never Made Podcast!

The two episodes can be found both on the Best TV Never Made Website. The show is hosted by Peter Holmstrom and Ryan Matsunaga.

Like Izzo said, the anime was originally envisioned as an adaptation of the Dark Horse Comics that followed the character Machiko Noguchi, and the idea was that three Machiko story arcs would play out over the 10 episodes, which could then be cut together into a trilogy of animated movies. The first batch of episodes was an adaptation of Aliens Vs. Predator, and the next batch was an adaptation Aliens Vs. Predator: War and then a new Machiko tale would conclude the story. Several scripts had been written for that approach when a director was brought in – and even though this director had never seen Predator, they wanted to come up with their own original story. They did happen to be a huge fan of Aliens, so there was going to be a lot of echoes of Aliens in this anime.

At first, the director suggested a story that would be set on a deep space freighter where an evil genius called The Game Master would gather Aliens, Predators, and humans together for a death match to find out who’s the strongest. Baker and Calderon convinced the directors to abandon this idea and come up with a new approach. This character is later discovered to be a hybrid alien-human who can control aliens using pheromones. A b-plot follows Hank, a soldier type character modeled after Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch from

Predator, who had an encounter with a Predator many years ago and has PTSD as a result of it. The Predator is now back to finish their battle. It was inspired by the Predator named Ahab from the Dark Horse comics. It was inspired by the Predator named Ahab from the Dark Horse comics.And since the director was heavily influenced by Aliens

, “the main human villain became a businessman type who betrays the main characters at a certain point.” The director wanted to call the character Douglas Fairbanks, but the name was shortened to Fairbanks when he found out that Douglas Fairbanks was the name of a famous actor. Baker & Calderon never mention the director’s name during their interview. Listen to the Alien Vs. Predator

episodes on the BestTVNeverMade site to learn more about the anime we may or not have the opportunity to see. Predator: the Anime is available on Netflix.Does it make you want to see

Alien vs. Predator as an anime? Leave a comment to let us know what you think.

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch