Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch

Martin Scorsese announced that he is about to make a new movie about Jesus after his own Last Temptation of Christ. Many of you may not remember how controversial Martin Scorsese’s

The last Temptation of Christ was when it first hit theaters in 1998. In ’88, controversy was more than just people being upset on Twitter. There were mass protests and TV evangelists claiming that Scorsese would go to hell. A terrorist attack was even carried out on a French theater showing the film. Scorsese announced during a post Cannes tour of Italy, that he would be making a film about Jesus after a meeting with Pope Francis. As reported by Variety, Scorsese stated: “

I have responded to the Pope’s appeal to artists in the only way I know how: by imagining and writing a screenplay for a film about Jesus.” Scorsese then suggested that he was about to “start making it.”While Scorsese has often made films that deal with faith, such as his recent Silence, it’s worth noting that

Last Temptation of Christ is something of a masterpiece. The movie, based on the book Nikos Kazantzakis by the same name, caused controversy because it showed Jesus (played Willem Dafoe), struggling with different forms of temptation including sexual. The reception to Last temptation made it interesting to see what Scorsese’s approach to a film about Jesus would be all these years later. Scorsese didn’t specify what type of film he would make. He might want to create a more unconventional religion movie that complements rather than replaces his Last Temptation

. Scorsese movies are always a spectacle, and I’m happy to see him re-engage his faith in cinema at this stage of his career.

Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch



June 3, 2023