Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch
With recent revelations about the working conditions of visual artists during the making of the acclaimed films, it may put strain on the release.
Not just were both Spider-Man movies — Into The Spider-verse, and Across The Spider-verse – garnering acclaim both from critics and audiences alike, but Across The Spider-verse was able to surpass its predecessor with over $300 The film would have everyone’s Spidey sense tingling for the next installment, since Across Spider-verse ended on a cliffhanger. The original plan from Sony is to follow the film up Endgame-style with its second half of the story getting released just a year later. Due to the studio politics in Hollywood and the fact that CGI artists are not currently unionized, it is possible that the harsh working conditions caused the delay. Some animators may have walked out of the project due to the harsh working conditions.
ComicBook.com reports on comments made by Lord and Miller, as the duo addresses the issues that may delay the project from hitting its Spring 2024 release target. Miller added: “And we won’t rush into a release date we don’t feel is right.” Lord continued, “Just like we’re taking the time necessary to make Beyond the Spider-Verse fantastic.”
Miller then added, “And we won’t budge on a release that doesn’t seem to fit.”The Miles Morales Spider-Man Producers added, 11001010 The Miles Morales Spider-Man producers added, “They’ve announced that Beyond the Spider-Verse will be released in March of next year.” Pre-production has made progress. As far as production goes, the only thing that has been done on the third movie is any testing or exploration that was done before the film was split into two parts. Everyone has been focused on Across The Spider-Verse
, and barely crossed the finish line. It’s like Oh yeah, we have to do that other one.”Sony claims that the conditions of the project were not unusual. Michelle Grady, executive vice-president and director of Sony Pictures Imageworks told Vulture that “It happens on every film.” It can be frustrating, but we try to explain to people that this is part of the process. She explained, “One of the wonderful things about animation is that you can keep going until the story feels right. If the story isn’t right, you have to keep going until it is.” Pascal would then conclude her thought with a blunt statement,
Entertainment - Media News Watch originally published at Entertainment - Media News Watch